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Over time (slowly), this page will contain pictures and information on a large number of Twilight and related products/costumes/promotional items, with the intention to (eventually) be as comprehensive as possible. If you would like to assist with this endeavor, please message @eternaledward via Instagram, or consider donating at www.kofi.com/eternaledward      “Lost In Forks” (2010 - Volvo tie-in game/contest) A sequel to the incredibly popular “What Drives Edward?” campaign/game in 2009 (also a Volvo tie-in contest), “Lost In Forks” was created as a Volvo contest tie-in with the 3rd film, “Eclipse.”  The goal of the game was to navigate the forks in the road at each point (via “go left” and “go right” options) to get to the Cullen house in as few screens/forks as possible.  With 2010 being the early days of Facebook/etc, the game featured live chat and share functions, so that fans could communicate in real time about the game and the paths to the Cullen house.  Those who got the fastest time/fewest forks were entered into a drawing, with the winner receiving an XC60 Volvo “just like the one Edward drives” (as said by the Volvo marketing).  At the time, fans made maps of the routes, and some (reportedly) even sold them online - although we’ve yet to get confirmation on that. 	“Lost In Forks” (game re-creation) - click here to play   The contest lasted mere weeks in 2010; when when it ended, the game was gone - never to be seen again.  Many fans had forgotten it even existed.  In 2023, Jamie Kelley (@eternaledward, the owner of this site) found the map he made from 2010, and decided to see if the game - contained in java/etc on Volvo’s 2010 website - could be recreated (at least to some degree) in web-browser form.  After conferring with fans to make it as complete as he (and they) could remember - even down to simulations of the live chat function - it’s now presented here for fans to enjoy.  It even has a recreated “lunar eclipse” effect on the first fork, much like the orignal game (but was recreated from scratch).  It should play decently on a cell phone, but is most accurately enjoyed on a desktop or laptop computer.  If you remember pieces not found in the game, contact @eternaledward on Instagram!  Please note that not every aspect of the game could be fully recreated, and parts can take a bit of time to load (especially the initial pages).  There are also a few known bugs, like directions not working randomly for reasons we haven’t been able to pinpoint.  If you get stuck, click on the “visitors center” text in the upper left corner, as that will take you back to the start.  Also, there are no prizes for winning other than bragging rights, but see who among your friends can find the Cullen House the fastest!  Also, can you find all of the other hidden “dead ends” and easter eggs? No ownership of this game is claimed or intended, and all rights belong to the original holders - this is only presented here as an homage and tribute to the original, for fans of the time to remember their time playing the original game, and to give younger fans some sense of what it was like to play in 2010.  Those entities will be respected, so the game will be removed, should the resptive rights holders request it.         “I didn’t want you to miss anything.”  - Edward Cullen